Affected users: Events with Custom Domain enabled that used Control Room video modes with the Low Latency enabled.
Workaround: Disable Custom Domain or change the video latency to Standard.
Issue description: We encountered issues when using Control Room video mode with Low Latency enabled and also using a Custom Domain at the same time. The Low Latency Control Room option uses the Amazon AWS IVS technology for Low Latency Streaming (sub 5 seconds) and the 1.3.0 version of its IVS Video.js Player had an issue when working with Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) that resulted in a player with a frozen state (a pitch-black image with a blue play button that didn't work when pressing it). We are still not sure if this issue was caused by the 1.3.0 version of the player or if it was an underlying issue with the playlist url and the CORS headers sent by their servers.
Fix: We updated the player plugin to its newest version (1.3.1) and implemented fixes that will also circumvent CORS issues in the future. This solution implements a fallback to InEvent's domain in case the Custom Domain doesn't work - the fallback only affects the Video Player and not the actual parent window (visually indistinguishable for regular users). We also contacted AWS IVS support for further assistance. Per our throughout test, the player now works with Custom Domains (either on event level or company level) on all browsers.